He was wearing.. i'm not familiar with terms but the small 'half-helmet' kind.
New light for you
JoinedPosts by New light for you
I just heard from OOMPA!!!!!!!
by mouthy inyou all know he was in a terrible motor bike accident.broke every bone in his body.
was in hospital for ages.
unconscience ...his exwife nancy.
I just heard from OOMPA!!!!!!!
by mouthy inyou all know he was in a terrible motor bike accident.broke every bone in his body.
was in hospital for ages.
unconscience ...his exwife nancy.
New light for you
I'm one of Oompas good friends. I'll let you know a little more info so it doesn't sound more, or less than it is. He broke every bone in his face. The full impact of the 80miles an hour into the tree was on his face. He broke his pelvis and broke the bone badly on his forarm. They had to put metal plates all in under his face, but honestly did an amazing job. The issue was ok with broken bones, it was more with the fact that he shattered the side of his jaw. They made special just for him this 'cage' Oompa called it- that came out from his head with about five metal prongs going directly into his jaw to hold it. Yes, the 'Oomps' had a closed mouth for about 2 months, but was getting great at speaking thru it (just clench your teeth, you can see you can talk around it, its just not easy). He has numerous surgeries to look forward to to correct other issues related to the face. He still has no feeling nose down. He's been on liquids since he woke, and just over the last couple weeks got promoted to soft foods, though they're difficult. The other difficult point is now that the scar tissue is building and making it harder to move mouth. He was 'out' for 2 weeks.. in hosp for 2 months total I think in the end. He has a long road of recovery ahead of him, and its up and down. He always appreciate anyone that wants to show him love and that we care, so PLEASE feel free.
Do you notice a difference in new relationships out of 'the truth'?
by New light for you inits 3 years since i (we) left, we somehow didn't have a committee or anything, but were able to leave with no friends, but still able to have contact with my jw mom.
in these 3 years of "learing" how to get and have friends that aren't witnesses its been quite the learning curve.
how do you meet people?
New light for you
Its 3 years since I (we) left, we somehow didn't have a committee or anything, but were able to leave with NO friends, but still able to have contact with my JW mom.
In these 3 years of "learing" how to get and have friends that aren't witnesses its been quite the learning curve. How do you meet people? start conversations? ask for phone numbers? when do you invite someone to your house? All these things are questions we've been navigating and been doing well. I do notice though something. There is a big difference in the "Connection" I have with my new friends as to my prior witness friends. The friends I had.. I know it wasn't 'unconditional' because in the end the left me because I had doubts... but all of us know when you're 'in' ... my girlfriends... i still cry if i run into them in a store. There is NOTHING like my old friends. There was such a love and connection, we would have done anything for each other, we didn't EVER have issues, we took care of each others kids, we were their for each others births, and in my heart they were going to be with me forever, and I didn't need any 'worldy family or friends' ever. Ok. Skip to 3 years later, now, its only 3 years-yes. The family i used to shun has accepted us back with open arms and I love them dearly.. but as for 'friends', its just not the same. There is that always feeling of 'if your kids upsets my kids we could leave you and never see you again, there is nothing holding us together'.
I was just wondering if anyone else felt this. Now dont give me this "those witnesses didn't love you because they only loved you in the truth" i know that.. but I lived my life with these people and felt the love, i do understand that they are in a cult and their judgement is very marred, but they loved me.
JW MIL having surgery - Elders there are the "blood nazis"
by Robert7 inso my jw mother-in-law is having some rather major abdominal surgery today.
given the type of surgery, there is a chance that the blood issue may come up, where in worst case if there's a loss of blood she may need a transfusion.. so in the waiting room for the entire 3 1/2 hour surgery are two elders.
these guys don't know my mil that well, and they are not there to support her... when it comes down to it:.
New light for you
Wow Whataburger... thank you for that story. I never even concieved that she'd be awake and able to reason thru that. That is truly amazing she was able to see the true truth in the face of a transfusion. I think it also shows that they really dont WANT to die and probably would grasp a way to live. Hopefully if for some reason we came to that she would be awake and able to talk about it. I'm so proud how you handled that.
I'm shocked though they didn't DF her, i mean, Shes a sister that ok'ed a transfusion? thats some fancy footwork to get around that!! Good for you, good for her. It IS a family matter and none of their business.
Do you miss "dressing up" for the meetings?
by dozy ini was thinking about this the other day when doing a bit of tidying up of my wardrobe.
all the kh suits are now pushed to the back of the wardrobe and i am seriously thinking about a visit to the charity shop to get rid of most of them.. for me one of the (few) enjoyable aspects of being a jw was getting dressed up.
my secular work very rarely involves putting on a dress suit & tie so i miss getting dressed up - smart suit , tie , shiny shoes , slapping on the aftershave.
New light for you
Now being 3 years out, I really do miss dressing up. On the other hand.. as a 'sister' what I realize is the dresses/outfits that we wore, now looking back just had something about them.. something 'cult-ish'. I think because we had to dress for 3 meetings a week AND service we had to have SO much dress clothes that they had to be more affordable.. so they ended up more... 'eh'. I really do miss that feeling of being 'pretty' and having my necklance and earings matching my dress and pretty shoes. If i dress up now, its just to be a little sluttier (oops!) and party. There is none of that 'pretty' just like 'easter' maybe dressing up. :(
When you've been a witness you're used to a wardrobe of always having 15 dresses and 10 skirts and 20 dress shoes. You come away with lots of just casual stuff now. I need to join a cult to feel pretty again!
JW MIL having surgery - Elders there are the "blood nazis"
by Robert7 inso my jw mother-in-law is having some rather major abdominal surgery today.
given the type of surgery, there is a chance that the blood issue may come up, where in worst case if there's a loss of blood she may need a transfusion.. so in the waiting room for the entire 3 1/2 hour surgery are two elders.
these guys don't know my mil that well, and they are not there to support her... when it comes down to it:.
New light for you
I've had an angry mother most of my life.... I honestly think that she would never talk to me. honestly. I really believe her heart would be broken. SHe would perceive that her relationship with Jeh was now 'tarnished' and I would be the reason she wouldn't be in the new system.
Honestly, the fight is out of my hands. She's got the paperwork. I'm an only child and even ONLY relative of hers at all. Lets just hope its not an issue. got 3-1/2 hours to go.
As for the suits, yes they stick out.. but they are 'clergy'. If they were trying to blend and be 'friends' with my mom all of a sudden, that would creep me out more.
JW MIL having surgery - Elders there are the "blood nazis"
by Robert7 inso my jw mother-in-law is having some rather major abdominal surgery today.
given the type of surgery, there is a chance that the blood issue may come up, where in worst case if there's a loss of blood she may need a transfusion.. so in the waiting room for the entire 3 1/2 hour surgery are two elders.
these guys don't know my mil that well, and they are not there to support her... when it comes down to it:.
New light for you
This is my mother we're all talking about.... or i'm 'the daughter'.
We got here this morning and my mother had no idea these brothers were coming. She indicated to me that she liked the one, and the other one not so much. She thought it was 'nice' but in a weird way.. nice, but had no idea...
I thought LONG and HARD before this surgery of what I would do should the blood issue come up. I'm obviously out of the cult, and i'm not 'mentally in' or anything anymore... i know its just all a complete lie run by evil men. Besides that, I have actually... though very difficultly... realized that it IS my mothers wishes. Ok, its a cult etc etc. At some point though my mother is 75 and she firmly believes that this is what she wants. Who are we to say that anyone should be stripped of the right to make their own decisions? I admit, this is shaded by the fact that my mother is 75. If this was a child, or even my age.. I would be wanting to fight it more. Obviously i DONT want her to die, I DONT want to make this decision. But I think part of love and being a family is respecting other peoples decisions and beliefs. Otherwise I become just as horrible as they are.
That of course is my feelings as of this moment.
I think its silly they're sitting here across from me reading their bibles for 3-1/2 hours while I post on an apostate website. On some level they believe they're doing what they're supposed to be doing as well. I dont think they are plotting this EVIL death of my mother. I think they're doing 'what jeh would be asking of them'. The fact that its a pile of shit i suppose is up to interpretation.
by whereami inemail going around.
gag alert!!.
jehovah's directions - not man's!.
New light for you
i got this email about a year ago... and it is the one that sent me over the top pissed off.. yes, it BREATHES of CULT!! its like "DING DING DING!!!" you KNOW you are offically in a cult if you see this in your email!CONGRATS!!!
you will do ANYTHING this organization asks you to do "Do you have the faith to follow this organization even if it seems lillogical and you might die"... HOLY CRAP?? for REAL? this line ALONE is the SCARIEST thing i've ever seen. This is where you cant just say "oh, its a religion, they're happy, leave them alone" . this is DANGEROUS! if they HAPPEN to have a thought on their own, which they're trained NOT to do, but if the thought is "What the slave is telling me to do makes no sense and is dangerous to me" they're trained to DO IT ANYWAY! That is EXACTLY "Drink the coolaid" and there is NO disputing it!
I'm sorry, but this email drove me over the edge, made me so angry when i got it a year ago, makes me mad that they read it and think "this is a beautiful email".
witness "poem" with scriptures sited... what would you say?
by New light for you ina dear friend, who found out i left 'the truth' sent me this poem, and was actually sweet about it and said that if i ever wanted to come back jehovah and the brothers and sisters would lovingly take me back and the angels would rejoice (after they put me thru hours of committee meetings for celebrating holidays and birthdays and then dfed me, but after that they'd rejoice).. anyway, reading the poem... made me remember (only left a year and a half ago) how great of an idea it all was.
wouldn't it have been great to be true instead of a whole elaberate freakin lie?
anyway.. whith all these "scriptures sited" how could you dispute it???
New light for you
A Dear friend, who found out i left 'the truth' sent me this poem, and was actually sweet about it and said that if i ever wanted to come back jehovah and the brothers and sisters would lovingly take me back and the angels would rejoice (after they put me thru hours of committee meetings for celebrating holidays and birthdays and then DFed me, but after that they'd rejoice).
Anyway, reading the poem... made me remember (only left a year and a half ago) how great of an idea it all was. wouldn't it have been great to be true instead of a whole elaberate freakin lie? Anyway.. whith all these "scriptures sited" how could you dispute it??? give it a try!
Paradise Poem....A World Without TearsThink of a world, a world without tears ... Rev. 7:14
Where a man can live for a thousand years .... Isa. 33:34
With never a grief, an ache or a pain ..Rev. 24:3-5
And never a thought of dying again ... Isa. 25:8
Think of a world where a man plants a vine ... Ps. 107:37
He can sit in it's shade and say 'This is mine'.... Isa. 22:25
He will dwell in the house his own hands have made ... Isa. 65:21
And none shall molest him, or make him afraid .. Mic. 4:4
Think of world without bloodshed and strife ... Ps. 46:9
Where no man can take another man's wife ... Prov. 12:28
Where man everywhere will unite in peace ... Ps. 37:11
And malice and hatred forever will cease ... John 13:35
Think of a world as a green paradise ... Isa. 36:12
Where mountains and deserts dazzle your eyes ....Isa. 53:12
With bountiful flowers, trees and skies ... Isa. 3: 1, 2
With animals, birds and butterflies ... Ps. 10: 24
Think, just as sure, as God's word is truth .... John 17:17
A man will go back to the days of his youth ... Job 33:25
His flesh will become as the flesh of a child...
And the words that he speaks will be gentle and mild . Matt. 5:5
Think of a world where a lame man will leap ... Isa. 35:6
Bounding for joy, like a deer or a sheep ......
Where none will be deaf and the blind ones will see ..
And mute ones will speak and sing joyfully ... Isa. 35:6
Think of a world where men are all Brothers ... Matt. 23:8
Esteeming themselves not above any others ... Phil. 2:3
Where a man greets a man as a friend to a friend ... John 15:13-19
In a world without tears that will never end .... John 10:28
Think of a world where the dead will arise ... Jer. 31:17
From their silent tombs to a dream paradise ... John 11:23-26
To live forever in true peace and Love ... 1Cor. 16:14
And all will be cared for by the Great One above ... 1Pet. 5:6,7
Now a world without tears is not just a dream .... Heb. 6:10
To some, too good to be true it may seem ... Tit. 1:2
But just as sure, as God's word is true ... John 17:17
A world without tears now lies before you ... 2Pet.. 3:13
So if these words have opened your eyes ... Luke 21:28
Would you like to live in Earth's Paradise ..... Luke 23:43
To share all the blessings that God has in store ... 1Cor. 2:9
For all who would do His Will evermore ... Ps. 37:4
'Good News' of this Kingdom is still being sung .... Rev.. 14:6
Through out every nation and people and tongue ... Matt. 24:14
And all who are thirsting for Truth are invited .... Rev. 7:16,17
To accept this Good news, be warmly united ... Rev.7:9
In Praising our God, our Savior and King ... Jer. 10:10
Who gives to us all, our life, everything ... Ps. 36:9
So that we might live through endless years .... John 6:51
In a world without sorrow.. A world without tears ... Rev. 21:3, 4 -
What Was It That Finally Got You To Leave The Organization?
by minimus inwhat pushed you over the edge?.
New light for you
i knew some of the issues the religion had.. but i didn't start to "awaken" until i started reading up everything i could on how the religion started, Russell, Ruterford and so on. I did this research thinking it was going to prove my then-gone-apostate husband WRONG, but it did the oppisite.